Where does success come from? Why is it so hard to sustain? Clayton spends the latter half of his finding ways to find better ways for business. Historically, companies that look virtually untouchable, 10 to 20 years later find themselves in the middle of the pack or at the bottom. Some of the reasons why…
This matrix helps leaders identify the right type of strategy to solve a problem by asking two questions: How well can you define the problem? And how well can you define the skill domain(s) needed to solve it? Greg Satell Greg presents a clear way that should alert anyone having to innovate in this difficult…
Having seen a few incidents in the world, this one will definitely be remembered. The tears of sadness, separation, anxiety, sickness, and bad economics are all spinning in circles around us personally and professionally. What comes next are the changes. They say in Washington DC to ‘never waste a crisis’. I believe it’s an unspoken…
A well-run balanced scorecard process enables product-market fit to thrive. How? From Harvard Business School: What you measure is what you get. Senior executives understand that their organization’s measurement system strongly affects the behavior of managers and employees. Executives also understand that traditional financial accounting measures like return-on-investment and earnings-per-share can give misleading signals for…
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management system that organizations use to: Communicate what they are trying to accomplish. Align the day-to-day work that everyone is doing with strategy. Prioritize projects, products, and services. I thought about the BSC and how it could be used with Product-Market Fit work. Both methods can…
Some questions and thoughts you should consider. Product-market fit is also about the willingness to fail but I think it’s about having the protection of some guiding set of properties about the underserved needs of customers. Creativity requires curiosity. Q: Are your teams and organization curious not only about the product but about the customer?…
Thanks to Simon Sinek and his three circles. Why: Build healthy organizations that are viable to customers and employees alike. Technically, we help balance customer equality with customer delight. We have all seen businesses that make money but offer a crummy service. Utilities of all sorts fall into this bucket often. The product is so-so…
If you’ve ever read the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, you might have found the section on urgent and important tasks to be helpful. The book is great because it helps you eliminate Quadrant 4 – the time waster quadrant. These are things that you should just eliminate from your life – sometimes…
Why was it like this? In 2015 and when Dan Olson created the Product-Market Fit pyramid. Prior to this work, most people in the startup business, especially marketers defined market efforts by first defining the target customer. This is exactly how it was done before. Not to repeat all the history, but you could go…
Reduce complexity. Grow better, faster, and cheaper than ever before using the power of language. Here are some examples of what can be achieved using our software. By focusing on the underserved needs of your future customers, you reduce complexity and focus your efforts on those who need you. You avoid ‘selling’ to people who…