For a time, I ventured into the realm of personality assessment, crafting a system grounded in the principles of the MBTI to fathom the depths of customer understanding. While it provided a framework, I found it lacked predictive precision, remaining static where progression of mindset, as expounded by William Torbert, and the intricacies of traits…
This is a brief article describing customer desire vs viability and feasibility. Customer desires, they’re unmet needs can be described as somewhere between low and high and shown on the above y axis. The ability of your organization to build a viable and feasible product can be seen as either low or high on the…
What makes for a good use case in understanding your customer at a deep level? There could be many cases where understanding segmentation based on customer psychology has no use. Anything that’s an emergency, where you have no choice does not fit well. Below are six criterias that could gauge if you need to understand…
There are four ways to uncover unmet customer needs: study customers using your product, look at substitutes, watch how people compensate when they can’t do a job with existing products, and understand the root causes of behavior. Modern technology to predict, to have theories that are causal to ‘why people buy’ impacts all four steps…
When you think of your business as a single number… … you don’t see the details needed to drive growth. I used to do a lot of mapping like you see above. Based on what I know today, mapping is irrelevant. It’s almost impossible to show the detailed segmentation that exist almost everywhere. It’s true…