
Back testing self actualization companies

Examples of self-actualized companies

Back Testing Model 1:

If you invested $100,000 in the top 50 self-actualized companies 2013, you would have $409,087 in December 2022.

Back testing: Using a simple mindset factor analysis of the company’s leadership, only mindset growth approaching 50% YoY mindset change were selected. We restricted trading to once per year (avg price for the year), only purchasing one share per company. Selection is made based on mindset and selecting companies focused on net profits vs just growth (internet tech), where the leadership team mindset capacity is the only investment criteria.

What to look for, what to avoid.

Avoiding companies

In order for a company to be successful, it is important to have everyone in the ecosystem aligned with the company’s purpose and values. When companies have low mindset capacity, they often have individuals in positions that are not a good fit for their skillset, which can slow down decision-making processes and lead to poor performance.

Fred Flintstone and Archie Bunker were good for something right? Don’t ask me exactly what. These fictitious examples are not so fictitious at certain companies. Their ability to make decisions is limited in speed, decision making is slow and often poor.

The result is low economic performance. You also see vast differences between capabilities at the top and the bottom of the leader ship team. When you see tight coordination of leadership teams, you’re likely to see good growth from a decent company. If there’s a gap and a failure to communicate or failure to translate concepts, you see problems and low scores along with poor economic outcome.

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