Customer desire versus viability and feasibility of your organization
This is a brief article describing customer desire vs viability and feasibility. Customer desires, they’re unmet needs can be described as somewhere between low and high and shown on the above y axis.
The ability of your organization to build a viable and feasible product can be seen as either low or high on the x-axis. A lot of times organizations struggle to be viable and feasible. The product is just not that easy or intuitive. In my head this X-Axis alone can be described as a 1/x curve. Far too many products are just not that well done. The organization envisions itself as the use case and builds something it understands. Few products get to that rare 1 or 2 deviations from the norm. Sometimes It can be capital constraints or resources lacking some sort (My own experience has been to find organizations lacking in this area more than the culture issues first described). Meeting high customer desire with the products they expect and can use puts you into a magic quadrant. It’s rare. When thinking about your products, how can you create more desire and how do you get the organization to produce at a higher level? Get into that special place and you’ve created a recipe for an organization that will be difficult to disrupt.
Recently, I ran into a company that was producing a consumer product. They had no interest in solving greater customer desire nor were they interested in integrating other technologies to make that product more defensible to competitors. It’s a rather sad story because they remain in one of the other three quadrants that’s uninteresting. They don’t have a capital constraint; they have an education constraint around understanding the customer.
Understanding how to create increased customer desire can be solved through customer psychology and tapping into understanding the unconscious needs of people, whether it’s B2B or B2C. By unraveling desire, you find products and services that are overdue for the market – there is no shortage of needs that can be solved profitably. Now you’re on to the task of creating viability and feasibility. I believe we have to challenge ourselves to stretch these two things and get into that special quadrant.